Sunday, January 2, 2011

You've Got Mail!

I love to attend concerts presented by area bands, choirs, and orchestras. Last night was no exception. These events also keep me painfully aware of some basic housekeeping tasks.

Here is one case in point:

As the conductor of a local handbell choir was about to start their ensembles first song, an all-too-familiar tone rang through the concert hall...


Listed below are a few basic items I mention before any of my concerts begin.

1. Warmly welcome the audience

2. Mention and thank any sponsors or benefactors. (Personally recognize them if they are seated in the audience).

3. Point out the location of all exits in case of emergency

4. Point out the location of rest rooms

5. Ask for all cell phones be turned off or placed on vibrate.

6. mention your policy on video or flash photography.

Good Gigging!

Larry Marra


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